What broke my day: ADHD. If you weren't aware, I have ADHD...my whole family does. And I'm not talking about the, "my kid won't behave so give them some meds so that I don't feel like an inadequate, lazy parent" diagnosis of ADD. I actually have it, and have struggled with it. I know people think that ADD/ADHD is just an excuse, a fake disease like fibromyalgia, but my history shows that I really do have it. When I was in first grade I was at the bottom of my class, expected to repeat the first grade because I was struggling. Then I got diagnosed, and put on medication. By the end of the year I had shot up to the top reading group (I was at the bottom before) and I was at the top of my class, which persisted all throughout my school career. Still, I hate that to be a functional person I need to take pills. It's annoying really. Yesterday (I didn't post because of this...I forgot) I didn't take my pill as an experiment. What did I do all day?...I'm not really sure. I ate a lot because I couldn't control my hunger, I attempted to work out but quickly got bored, and other than that I'm not really sure. I hate that when I'm not on my pill I can't seem to complete anything, because my attention is everywhere. Case and point...yesterday I used 6 different workout DVD's using only 5 minutes of each because I got that bored that fast. It was horrendous. I wish that for once I wouldn't have to remember to take my medication so that I could complete a thoug.....hey, I'm going to go ride a bike.
What made my day: Having a cornucopia of choices in healthy fruits and vegetables. I'm not going to lie to you, I don't always want to eat healthily, but part of the problem is that I have a hard time finding healthy options in my house. But, because it's summer we have an unusual amount of fruits and vegetables, all fresh from the farmers market. I love this because when there are fresh, healthy things like that available, it's harder to not eat them. I no longer have an excuse to eat unhealthily. Plus, on top of that I can eat as much of them as I want and not really worry about dieting and such. Why?, because they have fairly few calories and are super duper extra full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. My fridge is full of leaf lettuce, spinach, 5 pounds of blueberries, carrots, broccoli, peaches, plums, green beans, corn, beets(gross), tomatoes, and squash. There is nothing more spectacular that opening up your fridge and having so many guilt-free things to snack on. Because all the things that could possibly tempt me are hidden behind the massive amounts of locally-grown awesomeness, I eat healthier and feel better. Today I feel less bloated and have more energy because I didn't eat pasta, bread, pizza, and other not-as-good-for-you foods. I may sound like a health nut, but I actually like fruits and vegetables for the most part because it makes me feel healthier and like a better person.
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