Thursday, August 18, 2011

Packing and Elephant

What broke my day: When you have so much to do you can't even think ahead to then next minute. That's what today has been. Pure unadulterated craziness. Like I want to make todays post 4 sentences because I don't have anytime to think let alone let my creative juices flow. Tomorrow is move in day and I'm so busy running last minute errands, packing, taking care of odds and ends, packing, cleaning, packing, fighting with my sister, and packing. Don't get me wrong, I thrive on stress and keeping busy, but with so much to do it's getting me worried. So, I'm going to end this post soon, because right now my focus needs to be on packing. The fact that I have barely a second to breath, and likely won't until I go to sleep (probably at 1 in the morning) tonight...err tomorrow, is daunting. But, it's like my dad says, "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time."

What made my day: Packing. Okay this may sound extremely psychotic but I actually like packing. That's why it takes me so freaking long to pack, because I like trying to categorize and fit everything in a small space. When I can fit what looks like two boxes worth of stuff in one box, I feel like I make good use of space. Turning something one way and then the other to find the best possible fit may take some time. But when you successfully fit it, you feel accomplished. It also makes me feel kind of like an engineer. Yes, it takes forever, and sometimes you want to scream; but packing makes you look individually at everything you put in the box and think about it. You have to pick and choose, problem solve and think, and that makes me feel smart. I hate just throwing things in a box, because it just doesn't feel right. But, as soon as you see everything packed so fully into a small space you feel savvy, and that is just plain awesome.

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