Sunday, August 14, 2011

Craft time with Stressed Stacy

What broke my day: Stressing out for no reason.This morning I found out that I am moving into my dorm a day early because my dad had a work conflict.  While I am thoroughly excited to be moving in a day early (this means one more day to party without commitments or homework..just kidding) I had a near mental breakdown realizing that I have A LOT to do before Friday morning. My stuff is all over the house, so I have to pretty much clean every room so that I can find all of my stuff, and do laundry, get everything sorted and packed and much more. It stressed me out. This year I have also decided that I am taking not near as much stuff, so trying to figure out what clothes and  other things to keep at home (because I actually have a room to put them in) is also stressful. I'm the kind of person who can find a situation for everything, so I think that I may need a winter coat in August. But then looking at what's in my room again, I think I have plenty of time to do all this packing. I have five days, including today, because I'm leaving early on Friday. Well, four since I'm working an exceptionally long day tomorrow. But the fact that I spent the entire morning freaking out, and not concentrating on the sermon being preached at church (whoops...sorry God.) for no reason in reality made me upset, because now I'm bored and have nothing to do in reality. Well, maybe I should just get packed now, so I have more time to find missing stuff, but there's so much to do, I have no idea where to start. On the plus side, the sooner I pack, the more time I have read a book. Decisions, decisions...
What made my day: Being all crafty. Because I excel at procrastinating, I started a new project, which is starting to take form as of today. I saw this super cute magazine filer thing-a-ma-jig at TJ Maxx a couple of days ago, and I wanted it. But there was no way I was going to pay 15 dollars for it, when I could make it for 8. It was covered in little cylinders of rolled up magazines and was bright and fun and whimsical. So, I began my quest to make something identical for half the price. I guess I didn't realize how much time it would take to individually roll up over 200 pages of magazines into teeny, tiny tubes. Because I'm halfway done though I couldn't quit now. But being all crafty makes me feel artistic (which I'm not, that gene was given to my brother). I can't wait for my roommate to see it, compliment me, and then proudly tell her that I made it.  Making something that's sold in the store, yourself gives one a sense of immense pride. That's right, I can make something a machine can make...and mine looks cooler. I'm a huge fan of crafting, because it not only is a productive use of your time spent bored, but also because of this pride it creates. Whenever someone compliments something that you made you not only feel that they are admiring your style, but they are also admiring your craftsmanship. I love that feeling, and the magazine holder thingy-do will be so freaking adorable you won't even be able to handle it...I'll even post a picture as soon as I'm done to show you the epic awesomeness of my craftsmanship. Made my day.

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