Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Patronizing Jerks and Writing

What broke my day: People who go to college later in life. Now, I love that they are going to college, I really do, and I am not saying that I hate all people who go to college later in life. I extremely dislike CERTAIN people who go to college later in life. My Bio lab partner is quite a bit older, he already has a wife, a B.A. in business, and has worked in banking. So, I'm assuming he's like 23 or 24. He's back in college to get into medical school, and today, when I JOKINGLY, and EXAGGERATEDLY made a comment about how CERTAIN liberal arts degrees were "just a pathway to, 'would you like fries with that.'", he condescended me like I was a child. First he had insulted the institution of learning that we were attending, saying he thought Purdue was 'narrow minded in their studies.' and that "I.U. (Indiana University, or rival school) was better." I was a little offended, and defended my school and somehow I ended up making that comment. I regretted it, but I also am not one to back down. So when he said that was harsh, in a tone that my parent's would use, I became even more offensive. I am not a child. You are not my elder. We are equals in schooling, and therefore, he had no right to talk down to me. This has happened to me in two different classes, with two people, both older and married. When he took what I said wrong, I began to feel that I was the bad person. Yes, I will admit that I was a tad bit harsh, but him making me feel like a child being told they had been very naughty was not necessary. I have always respected my elders, so when they criticize me it means a lot. But upon talking to my father, I have realized that while we were both at fault for making harsh comments, he had no right to make me the bad person. He is my peer in the sense of schooling, and I don't view him as an elder,and he made an equally harsh comment. But when people patronize me, I get mad and hurt. And that my friends, is Beth's rant of the day.
What made my day: Being complemented on something you don't think you're good at. Today, I don't know why I did it, but I read my roommate some of my creative writing from high school that I'm proud of. And when I say proud, take that with a grain of salt, because even though I think it's my best work, I don't think it's actually very good. I'm my own worst critic, and I tend to be hard on myself, especially when it comes to writing. But I read her my piece about an Amish girl getting photographed, and how she deals with the issue. There's some good symbolism, even though Amish is SOOOOOO cliche right now, but I feel like I have a right to write about it, being Amish and all. (long story...not going to explain it.) Anyways, when I finished reading it, my roommate said, and I quote, "Why aren't you writing a book again?" It made me so happy. Somebody believes that my deepest dream to be a writer, is a possibility. In my heart I feel that I am not capable of writing a novel. I am a scientist, and I do not know the techniques in writing like a writer does. But when someone says that I am good, it breaks down that wall of doubt and self-hate. It made me want to write more, change my major, or something of that sort. Now, I'm definitely not changing my major, but I do like feeling inspired and believed in. Johannes Wolfgang Goethe said, "Dream no small dream, for they have no power to move the hearts of men." Writing a novel as a science major focused on saving the world is no small dream. But there is no way that I can make a difference without dreaming this. When my roommate, and objective third party with no bias involvement whatsoever, said that she believes in me, it made me all warm and fuzzy and giggly inside. I really like when you don't think you are good at something, and it turns out you really are. That is awesome, and there is nothing to trump that feeling....well maybe sex does....but that's all theoretical.

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