What broke my day: When my mother gets that "I'm disappointed in you but I'm not going to tell you that I am." face. It gets me so mad. Today I went thrift shopping...it was awesome. But I ended up spending way too much money, as usual, and I bought a bag that I can carry my school books in. My mom bought me a super nice one the other day for 30 dollars and I absolutely love it. Problem is, I'm worried that the new one won't hold enough books, or it will break. My worry was that I would get to school, it wouldn't work, and I would be stranded without anything to carry my books to and fro or forth and with. This new bag looks super old and is really cool (but not as pretty as the new one) and was only $4.50. Pretty good deal. My mom got upset when she found out, finding the purchase frivolous. Though she won't admit how mad she is. I think she's upset mostly because I made her spend a lot of money (in her mind) on a bag that I probably won't even use. She doesn't trust that I will use the bag for its intended purpose. But she just sat there on the couch with the slightly pursed lips, and death stare of disappointment. No matter how much I tell her I love her she refuses to tell me how she really feels. All I want is for her to be proud of me and to not be mad. But when she gets that look on her face, it's as if a 2 ton paraplegic elephant is sitting on my heart. It makes me feel sad. Today, when she gave me that look, it made me disappointed in myself, and that is no fun at all.
What made my day: Thrift shopping. Being Dutch I am a super savvy thrifter. It really is a talent. Today Aleah and I went thrift shopping for five hours. It was amazing. Searching through that haystack of ugly clothes for the needle: that sharp, awesome piece of clothing, takes some time but is totally worth it. The thing about thrift shops is that they provide entertainment value whilst providing possibilities in fashion. There are always those outlandish pieces that make you want to giggle...even if Aleah refuses to try them on for my entertainment's sake, and there are also those questionable fashion choices. (I do have a question...who in their right mind would buy used underwear from a thrift shop?....those granny panties have been on a stranger's ass, and that lingerie....someone has previously used to have sex in...GROSS!) But I'm also getting into the vintage vibe, and thrift shops are sure to please. Cute navy and white shoes from the 90's that I can pair with a slouchy shirt and leggings for a dollar? Yes please. Also...blazers are amazing. I probably could have bought 10, but settled on one. And men's wear worn as woman's wear...much cheaper when you buy actual men's clothes from the thrift store. Vintage is in, and when you find something that is actually vintage for a non-vintage price the excitement is overwhelming. After a quick wash to get the thrift store smell out, it's as good as new, and using a little bit of ingenuity you just turned a 3 dollar man-shirt into an adorable shirt dress. But I learned two things today: 1. I have more patience than Aleah to search through every rack to find something amazing. 2. Aleah doesn't appreciate the idea of a good laugh, because she refuses to try on hideous clothing to make me laugh.
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