Saturday, August 13, 2011

Ruined Dreams and Anniversaries

What broke my day: When your having a perfectly decent dream and then it turns into a nightmare because of an outside force. I don't dream very often, so when I do it's a very special thing. Last night I had a dream that I was living in the 40's and I had a husband and such. We were taking a vacation with our friends and while some mild friend drama occurred (we were the real housewives of the 40's for goodness sakes, there had to be SOME drama), we were packing up to get in our vehicle and leave. Just as we were about to put the bags in the car, an alarm clock went off....but I didn't wake up; I still was sleeping, so the alarm clock was going off in my dream. I was being blamed by everyone in the dream for the incessant noise, so I searched for my suitcase to find my alarm clock, but my bag was missing. Soon, other people started missing, things went awry, and I was running away from demons and witches. It was terrifying. I wouldn't have been so upset had I awoken to find that my alarm clock was the culprit. But I had turned off my alarm clock the night before so that I could sleep in. It was my sister's alarm clock. I woke up from my dream and the alarm was still going off, and that just pissed me off. I mean if I can hear it while still sleeping then my sister could takes five seconds to hear the snooze, so just hit the button already. I wasn't super belligerent towards her(so that means I get brownie points), but I'm still mad that she ruined what could have been a perfectly good dream. Instead of waking up in blissful happiness, I woke up in a pool of sweat, terror, and annoyance at the fricking beeping that had lasted for 10 minutes. It was not a good way to start my day.
What made my day: My parent's anniversary. Now, I know I have talked about my parents and how much their relationship means to me before, and how I know that I can have my happily ever after because they have theirs and whatnot. But it's true. I will write about it again. Today was my parent's 28th Anniversary. 28 years is a looooonnng time. Ronald Reagan was still president, the first woman to go into space went to space that year. It's something to think about. Even though my dad had this whole thing orchestrated to surprise my mom, I learned today that she hates being pampered and surprised. There goes her surprise 50th birthday party. But all throughout the day I loved hearing tidbits about the day they were married, like what the first words thier officiant said, "Tonight as you lie naked together" eeeewwww gross. That I really didn't need to know. I'm under the firm belief that my brother, sister, and I were test tube babies. That way they never ever had sex...ever. Ignorance is bliss. I also love knowing that my dad is still happy in the marriage, and he is happy where they are right now. I love hearing my dad joke about how it's only been 17 years, but then I have to point out that would mean I was born out of wedlock, while my dad was still a pastor. And I also love hearing him joke that " In two more years I can take a bass boat and a six pack, and have a romantic cruise." Good luck with that dad. But no matter what it was a good reminder that true love exists, and even though it doesn't always work out the way you may have planned, life can still be full of bliss. It makes me love and appreciate both of my parents that much more; that is until my mom yells at me to come downstairs and clean up....which she is right now, and then the resentment creeps right back in.

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