What broke my day: Realizing that I am going to fail this semester. Yes, today was the first official day of classes, and it started out optimistic. But then I went to my three, yes three, science classes. Oh the joys of being a science major. Organic chemistry is going to take me, and kick me in the ass. What's worse is that my lab partner can't even speak English, let alone knows anything science related. The entire time I was hoping to God that she wouldn't sit next to me. She's a nice person, and I would absolutely LOVE to be friends, but everything about her screams "FOREIGN!!!!!!!!" I now have to figure out how I'm going to handle the fact that I will have to figure out organic chemistry labs all on my lonesome. That and teach them to someone. Oh darn. Not only that but I'm also taking Analytical Biochemistry, and Cellular Biology. I don't even understand half of what's going on, and I'm extremely stressed about what's going to happen mid-semester when I am so confused. I know I can probably pull it off, but realizing that life is going to be extremely hard this semester will not be a happy part of my day. That and I have absolutely no motivation whatsoever to do any homework at all. I just want to go to bed....but that can't happen. Well let's drink to the fact that my social life will be dead by the end of the semester.
What made my day: How cute the freshmen are. I didn't realize it last year because I was one, but freshmen might as well wear a huge red arrow hat pointing to them that says in flashing, neon-green letters "I'M A FRESHMEN AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DOING." It's not annoying like it was in high school though, it's more like adorable. Not even lying. I know I'm only a year older than them, but in the end, it is really obvious. They haven't all fully matured yet, and by the end of the year they will have blossomed into fully-fledged adults, not these cute innocent child-like things now. It may sound like I'm talking them down all the time, like today when there was a 'fire scare' in the dorm and I said it was probably a freshmen smoking in the dorm. I never meant it in a ' freshmen are stupid' kind of way, but more of a 'freshmen are so naive' kind of way. Seeing them with their maps and confusion and child-like innocence is absolutely fabulous. It's actually really endearing and nice. I feel like there is a huge separation between upper classmen and the freshmen, you don't get that ever in high school.Okay, I'll cut the bull crap....I really just can't wait to corrupt the little children to rid them of their child-like innocence. I mean, how else are they supposed to become adults?
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