Saturday, August 20, 2011

I may be forever alone, but at least I'll have friends

What broke my day: Not having air conditioning. Ahh the sacrifices we make for the places we love. I love my dorm, but I hate that if I don't have a fan blowing directly on me my face is glistening in sweat. And not a cute glistening, a gross, nasty, totally not cool glistening. There are times where it looks like someone has thrown a bucket of oil on my face. It is morbid. In fact, it is hotter inside, than it is outside, especially with the fans off. I don't know how that is possible, but it is, and it is not pleasant in the least. I mean, how the heck is that supposed to work? Falling asleep is the worst. I'm the kind of person who needs to sleep under a sheet, and I also flip my pillow over to the cold side. This is a little bit difficult in this weather. Not only do I have to sleep nearly naked, but in order to not wake up in a bed that looks like it has been thrown into the Lake Michigan of sweat, I can't even sleep under any covers. That's right, take a mental picture, because this probably won't ever be spoken of again. Last night I laid there with nothing on my mind except how freaking hot it was. Not only is it difficult to sleep at night, but my face is breaking out. I look like I've been hit by shrapnel. I have little volcanoes of grossness all over my face due to the 'glistening' nature of my face, and it is not at all attractive. No amount of cover up can fix  my massive breakouts, and it's a struggle to even look remotely attractive. And I smell. Because of all the sweat deodorant has only been lasting about 4 hours, and by the end of the day everyone just smells raunchy. So, I've been walking around with these giant bags under my eyes, snow capped volcanoes all over my face, and the stench of a dead cat. Forever alone, forever alone.
What made my day: The super cute freshmen that live on my floor. Being one of the only sophomores on my wing (my friends live on a different wing, so I don't spend much time in my room) is different. I feel older and wiser, and maybe a little bit snobbier, but I'm not proud of that. Anyways, all the girls on my floor are super duper nice and sweet, I don't even know how long I can handle it. Whenever I pass one in the hall they smile and say hi (didn't their parents ever teach them to not talk to strangers?) almost like they know me. Even if we are in the bathroom and no eye contact has been made they will say hi or bye before they leave. I have had several girls come knock on my door and introduce themselves which is awesome, and have even had invitations to dinner from them. It's all so cute and adorable. When I was moving in two girls asked me if this was my first time here, moving in.  They were shocked when I told them that I had already lived here for a year. They went from thinking they were helping the poor new girl with no friends, to being informed that I knew more about college than they did. Their innocence is also super adorable. I know this sounds bad, but it's only a matter of time before they become corrupted, but as of now they are like little bunnies. Sweet and innocent, but soon they will become grown up rabbits that reproduce like....well you know what I mean. I like that they are friendly, it's actually quite encouraging, because these are the people that may become your best friends for life. Yes, I already have my friends now, but the fact that I have an opportunity to further my friend circle is really nice. Luckily they are helping that along by being so friendly and outgoing. I absolutely love feeling welcome, it makes it feel even more like home. There is no way that this year won't be great if the actions and cuteness of these girls persists. And that, my friends, is absolutely a wonderful thought.

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