What broke my day: Running. And Failing. This morning, in an attempt to prevent my funk from coming back again, Lori made me get up and run at 8:00 int he morning. GROSS. We had a 4-mile route planned out, and even though I kept trying to go back to bed. Well, 1 mile in to the walk, we started to run, hoping to run at LEAST a mile. Well, that was a failure. I guess I'm not as in shape as I thought. I got about .1 miles and was dying. So we walked. My stomach started to feel all rumblee in the tumblee, and I just couldn't run any further. It probably didn't help that I had a chai latte right before the run. But whatever, even though we finished the 4 miles walking/running, and I felt pretty good about it, but here's the deal: I came to the realization that I am a failure because I am supposed to be able to run 3.1 miles in a couple weeks. So I felt fat. Making me feel really bad. But that is going to change. Starting tomorrow I am only going to eat healthy fruits, vegetables, maybe some proteins, and hopefully few carbs (unless they are healthy). I'm only going to drink water for the next week, and also, I am going to devote an hour a day to walking and running. PROMISE.
What made my day: Harry Potter, again. Because this week premiers the (tear) final Harry Potter movie, most of the week will be devoted to Harry Potter. It makes my day, everyday. So what I love it. At least I'm not a twiheart. At least I like classy, fairly well written things. At least there are literary devices such as symbols and themes in Harry Potter, whereas there are not in Twilight. But I digress, What made me happy (Harry Potter Edition) was making t-shirts in preparation for the epicness of the midnight showing of HP and the Deathly Hallows, part 2. My friend Amy and I (who loves Harry Potter just as much I do) went and bought black t-shirts, stencils, and fabric paint. We went back and started the amazingness of the matching shirts. I only finished the front of mine, but it is fabulous. In gorgeous script it reads," You can call me Mrs. Neville Longbottom (or Weasley)" I think it's ingenious. Anyone who knows me well, knows that my favorite character is Neville Longbottom. I mean last year in my English Class (based on Harry Potter-complete chance, but an awesome one) I wrote two papers on him, entitled, "Neville Longbottom: the Hero in All of Us" and "Why Neville is the Shit." It was epic, as was my t-shirt. I can't wait to wear it on Thursday.,....you have no idea.
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