Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Chemical Warfare and Singing in the 'Rain'

What broke my day: Caustic burns. So, I have this wart on my foot, which you totes wanted to know. But last year I had some procedures done to remove it. First we had the whole let's put liquid nitrogen on your foot and hope that works. Then we put acid on it, and then my podiatrist found out I was leaving for college so we couldn't  finish the final treatments (darn). So, chemical warfare being a failure, we went straight to the big guns. We lasered it off. That was not only painful, but it left a gaping, gross, third degree burn on the bottom of my foot for weeks. I thought that after that battle, I had won the war. Well, I was given false hope because iiiiitttttt'sssss bbbaaaacccckkkk. So, today we made the trek back to the podiatrists office to try the chemical warfare again. Yay! Every girls dream is to have some type of unidentified acid applied to the bottom of their feet. (it's so the boys can catch them) Let me tell you this one thing, chemical burns are delicious looking. It's red, raw, oozy, blistery, and if it turns out like last time, well soon form a fine layer of pus (I just gagged a little). Not only that but now I'm limping like some crippled person, and I can't keep the bandage on, making it all the more gross. I'm not looking forward to the next couple weeks of gimp-dom. But on the plus side, I don't have to run my 5k.

What made my day: Singing in the shower. Yep, I'm a singer. When I'm in the shower I belt out the tunes like I'm on Broadway. I get up, turn on the radio in the bathroom to extremely high volumes to cancel out my screeches that sound like a dying alley-cat that got hit by a car and thrown into some garbage cans, early in the morning. How good the music is also determines my mood for the day. I know it's going to be a good day when I can belt out the lyrics to Ke$ha or some other artist with 'pumped up for the day' music. Good rule of thumb: If I can dance to it, it's going to put me in a feel good, get at it kind of day. That's right....I dance in the shower...naked. I know you want to envision that. It's like that scene in Easy A where Emma Stone is singing in the shower to Pocket full of sunshine.....except with more dancing. I firmly believe that a good pump up song involving lots of random, crazy dancing and belting out like no one is listening (which in my case, you hope no one is) can change your mood from crappy to happy in 2.5 minutes. I absofreakinglutely love this morning routine that I can only do during the summer because if I did it in the public restroom at school, people would think I'm crazy. Don't believe me that it will make your day 10 times better?....try it. Lock yourself in a room, pump up your favorite feel good song, and sing like it's your last moment. It will make you feel good about yourself, I'm not kidding. I triple dog dare you...

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