Thursday, July 21, 2011

How Hello Kitty Will Save Me from A Mental Institution

What broke my day: The, fact, that, I, use, way, too, many, commas, when, I, write. It's a problem, and I hope that you (didn't) noticed it. My extreme use of commas would be bearable if I used them correctly but I don't. I realize this, and normally it wouldn't bother me, but being a general grammar Nazi, it makes me feel uncomfortable. Yes, I do tend to be a grammar Nazi, my biggest pet peeve being the improper use of its and it's. Also, when people say 'axe' instead of 'ask?'  Oh really, you 'axed' that guy a question, that's just like saying " I took a hack saw to that guy." The fact that I, grammar Hitler, can't use correct grammar when writing, makes me a hypocrite, and I HATE hypocrites.I do however, have a theory about why I use so many commas. When I think in my head as I am writing, I have a conversation to myself in my head. I don't think about the next sentence, or how to word it, I just write what I would normally say, to make it feel more natural. When I'm having these crazy talks to myself, I use lots of pauses, which guessed it, COMMAS.  Maybe somewhere deep inside my brain, I am madly in love with commas. I try to proofread thoroughly enough to combat this addiction. But alas, Commas must be my heroin, or crack, or (since I'm classy) prescription drugs.  But for some reason, I subconsciously have this need to use commas quite excessively. For example, so far I have used 32 commas (before proofreading) in just this tiny little paragraph. I need a rehab center. I will try even harder to use my punctuation properly, but if we have learned anything from the preceding passage, it would be that I have deep psychological problems (hack sawing people, being in love with commas, addiction, etc), and someone should probably check me into a mental institution.
What made my day:  I was bored earlier today, and I had an hour before I went to work, so I decided to kill some time and go to Target, which is always a bad idea because I can't walk out of there without buying something( it's that gosh-darn dollar section). I had already picked up socks, hangers, and a milk crate when I saw it. Hello Kitty Duct tape. It made my day. I don't even LIKE Hello Kitty and it  made my day. The true question is why it made my day. My money is on this: I have this friend from college (30 more days until I'm back), that we call pink Sarah. Why pink Sarah? Because I have three friends all in my friend group named Sarah. Pink Sarah is the epitome of the girly girl- she is never not wearing sparkles or something pink. She is one of my favorite people because she understands the need for girl talk and cry parties. Well, seeing Hello kitty reminded me of her immediately, because she loves hello kitty, and the color pink, both of which described the duct tape. I'm not saying that the other colors of duct tape are boring, but they all automatically lose in comparison to pink kitten duct tape. It's so girly and adorable, and made me want to buy it (which I did, because who knows when we will need  in college). I texted pink Sarah, and we immediately decided that Hello Kitty Duct tape can fix/do anything: including, but not limited to, world hunger, making world peace, and fixing broken hearts. Hello kitty Duct tape can do anything for a woman. I am a firm believer in this.

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