Friday, September 2, 2011

Crazy Troll Dolls and Listing Stuff

What broke my day: When you go out of your way for someone, and they treat you like dirt. So, there's this girl, who I don't really like, but I don't mind her, that hangs out with my friend group. I am nice, and decent to her, and never ever try to make her mad, yet she still pretends that I am not a part of the group. Well, tonight is obviously the weekend, and I'm in do the math. I can't go out any other night this long weekend because come Saturday night I have to get up early the next day for sorority rush. I've had a crazy week and was looking forward to spending the night hanging out, letting loose, and having fun with my friends. Well, that's not going to happen. Today is this girl's birthday, and I've wished her happy birthday twice (once in person), and I even wrote her a nice note on facebook. All my friends wrote nice notes too, and she replied with cute little messages like, "can't wait for tonight!" What did she reply to me???? "thanks" No period, no name, no capitalization. Just thanks. I feel loved. I know it is HER birthday, and I think that she should have an AMAZING time, have fun, dance with boys, and just let loose. But It is so rude of her to not include me in these plans, with MY friends (who I never get to see because I live on a separate floor), and just pretend I am as insignificant as a speck of dust...or less. People who aren't sensitive to other's feelings and are backstabbing snobby too-good-for-you's piss me off. Last I checked we are in COLLEGE, there is no need for middle school actions. But I guess it's all okay, because she looks like one of those troll dolls, so at least I'm prettier than her, (you can tell I'm a little upset and needed to vent, can't you?)
What made my day: Well, obviously I'm in a rampaging mood, so this is a toughie, but what made my day was...I have no idea. Instead here is my list of anything and everything that may make my day seem a little better. Knowing that if I don't go out tonight, at least I know that I was responsible and adult. I mean, hey, I can catch up on homework because the rest of my weekend is going to be crazy busy with rushing. I just finished Candide, for my English class, even though we were supposed to have it read a week ago. I got complimented TWICE on what I was wearing today (I wasn't wearing makeup either, so that was definitely a plus), and I didn't even really plan it out, I just threw a dress on because I was not going to wear pants in this sweltering heat. I may end up having a good night, if a certain someone comes over. My muscles are a little sore, but that just means I'm getting stronger...and sexier. I survived the second week of school, even thought I almost didn't make it. A red-tailed hawk landed 35 feet away from my face this morning, and even though I was momentarily terrified for my life (they have been known to attack people on campus), it was so cool to see a bird like that up close. I cleaned my room, so now I don't have that hanging over my head. I'm realizing I'm rambling, but as of right now I'm still in a funk, and if you don't want to read this, that's totally okay, because this is my therapy, you know, so I don't go shooting people from the clock tower. and I just read the love note hanging up from my favorite Italian boy, and that of course will always make me smile.

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