Monday, September 19, 2011

Arg...I'm becoming a Dirty Pirate Hooker.

What broke my day: Wet pantaloons. I say pantaloons because it's international talk-like a pirate day, yer matey. And Me being a bloke who won't actually speak in pirate, I may as well write in pirate. Anyways the weather be less than attractive today, and me being a poor college student, doesn't have the doubloons to purchase rain boots. This means that by walking to class I somehow get from dry pantaloons to horribly drenched pantaloons by the time I get to class. Then, I have to sit in them, feeling the cold, damp disgusting-ness for an hour. What sucks even more is that my shoes and socks get wet, and then by the end of my 3-hour class, I have trench foot. I really want a pair of rain boots, and am accepting donations for the purchase of new ones. Or you could just get me a really cute pair, (thought I'm not sure I trust ye scallywags judgement) and then I would get rain boots AND mail. Double awesome. But no, I am stuck changing my outfit like 15 times, and now I have to do laundry...ugh. Not cool.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Being a Sick Hero

What broke my day: Being sick. Last night I started to feel a sore throat coming on...uh-oh. This morning I woke up to my throat throbbing, body slick with sweat and full of goosebumps from being chilled. I sense it's strep throat. No, I haven't gotten tested...yet, but I get strep so much that I can tell whether or not it is just a sore throat, or something worse. I hate that I am so tired that I feel like I can't do anything. I hate that this makes me lack in motivation so that I don't wear makeup, want to shower, or do any homework. Unfortunately, living the crazy life of a college student (which I'm thinking about making an entire post about my crazy busy life) I don't get to stay curled up in bed. I have deadlines to make, work to do, classes that I can't miss because the only excused absences involves death, and a blog to write. This does not help my getting better. I take a vitamin every day (so what if they are super her0 gummy vitamins?), and I don't go kissing rando's, so getting sick has been a rarity the past couple of years. But now, between the crazy sleep schedule, and not having time to even rest, my body has revolted and now I am stuck trying to maintain the schedule, while wanting to just take a nap. Being sick sucks, being a sick college even more.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Death and its Cure

What broke my day: You know that saying, if you have nothing nice to say, then don't say it at all. That's how I've been feeling the past couple of days. I'm not saying that I've had a terrible weekend, but certain things have been consuming me and I barely thought about other things. but that's not what broke my day. What broke my day was death. Yesterday, my fb wife, Sarah, had to put her 12 year old dog down. Buster was as good as my dog, and what hurt more than the fact that I will never hear his feet trot across the floor at the sound of the word 'walk', is that I couldn't be there to support my best friend. Being 150 miles away from her, when all I wanted to do was give her a giant hug that would nearly crush her ribs. When I found out that he was going to be euthanized I cried. I cried because I couldn't be there for her, and I could see that she was really struggling, I cried because I couldn't give Buster one last hug, I cried because never again, when I pulled away from that hug, would I have his tree bark-brown hair completely covering my body, I cried because there would never ever be any way to replace him. All I could do was tell Sarah how much I loved her, and tell her that I would buy her a puppy named pa hoe' hoe'. I mean, animals in pain and death sadden me to know end. This is the girl who didn't finish the book Marley and Me, because that way Marley lives forever. This is dedicated to Buster, who I'm going to believe is in heaven, running around on an endless walk, and meals of cheese and peanut butter forever.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

I only needed to make someone eat.

 NOTE: the spell check wasn't working, and I'm to lazy to proofread, so you are going to have to ignore the horrible spelling.
What broke my day: Missing the one thing you have been looking forward to all week. My favorite class , English (even though the reading is ridiculously hard), my only break during the week from hard-core science, was discussing my absolute favorite peice of literature. Not my favorite book, because that is different. We are reading Faust, and I absolutely love this peice of work. In fact it's the only reason I didn't drop the class after seeing the book list. Today we were supposed to discuss it in class, and I was embarassingly excited....except I didn't attend class, and we even had a quiz. fml. The class starts at 9, and I woke up promptly at 9:08 and my heart crashed into my stomach with the force of a 2000 ton elephant being dropped from 100 stories into a vat of feral cats and trashcans. Okay, I'm being dramatic, but it totally made me mad. I've never accidently slept through a class, and the one time I do, it would be the day I actually wanted to go to class. The fact that there was a quiz makes it all the more worse, because now I have to freak out about my grades. I feel horrible, and it makes me want to cry. Now how am I supposed to have a good week when the one thing that was supposed to happen didn's? frustration.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Trying new things, and dropping off men

What broke my day:Miscommunication. Today I was supposed to have a lunch date at 1. Key word:supposed. Didn't happen. Okay, it wasn't technically a date, but we've been good friends for like forever, and we were going to go out just the two of us, and in college, that is a date. Informal, friendly, sweet, and none of that awkward stuff. This boy has put my heart through the ringer, and I'm kind of over him. I mean, I do not need to deal with having m heart strewn across a floor of glass, and I'm comfortable with being just friends. Well, of course as soon as I decide that there is a whole new world of hot opportunities, he decides that he wants to go on a date. Whatever, he said he had a bad weekend and as a friend I feel that I need to be there for him. So, we were supposed to go out for lunch at 1 p.m. after I got out of work. I texted him after I got out of work....nothing. I texted him again and asked where we were meeting....nothing. I get to my dorm and the boy is on facebook. After a half hour of waiting I finally break down and FB message him saying I don't want to be the needy clingy friend but I have class at 3....the boy logs off facebook. then, and hour before I have to go to class, he texts me saying he thought it was three....Uh...I'm pretty sure I mentioned that I have some learning to do at that time. And now he wants to reschedule...make up your freaking mind.  Just because of this 'miscommunication' my heart went through a roller coaster of feelings from, I'll give him a I can't believe you just did that, to I don't want to see you ever fine, I'll give you another chance. But in the meantime, this miscommunication means that I am going out this weekend to pick up hot boys...they have been added to the itinerary.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Guess I'm not as Smart as I thought, But at Least I'm Hot.

What broke my day: When you think you know what's going on, and then you feel like a fool because you don't really. Now, I'm talking about analyzing literature, but it is soooo ridiculously frustrating when this happens. Right now in my English class we are reading Faust by Goethe (pronounced: goarda or something to that effect.) Now, I absolutely love this author, I even have a little literary crush on him, but reading poetry from a really long time ago is not the least.  You know how hard it is to read Shakespeare, well this is essentially the same thing. A novel length work of poetry...totally hard core. Now, I love poetry, but for me to understand it fully, I have to go through every single line and translate it into American. That's right, American, not English, because technically it is in English. I'm talking a mix of ghetto, valley girl, super jock, and youtube. Well, I thought I got the gist of Faust and what was happening....nope. I thought a certain character wasn't smart, turns out...he kind of is. I totally missed the spot on some of the reasoning and now I feel stupid. You can buy a "no fear Shakespeare.' but there isn't a 'no fear Goethe", let alone a spark notes on it. So here I am trying to translate this into common English, I should just make av "no fear Goethe" and sell it to spark notes to pay off college. I mean, I did translate one thing correctly: Faust: "May I offer my arm and accompany/A beautiful lady on her way?" to "Can I have yo' numba?" I mean if it read that way, this would be a piece of cake and the 60 pages I have to read tonight wouldn't be so horrifyingly daunting.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Feeling Pretty Mother Nature?

Let me explain my shoddiness in writing. I was going to write yesterday, but I was in such a terrible mood, that it wasn't even worth being a Debbie downer. I try to remember, but sometimes it's hard. Anyways, it turned out all right.
What Broke my day: How ridiculously cold it is right now. Two days ago it was so unbelievably hot, that at Purdue's first football game of the year (which we won! BOILER UP!) that people were being carried out on stretchers from the stands, and the estimated temperature on the field was 122 degrees Fahrenheit. Today, it's 59 degrees, windy, and chilly. WHAT THE HELL MOTHER NATURE? I do not have time for this bull shit right now. I'm went from being unbelievably hot in my non-air-conditioned dorm room two days ago, to wearing long pants and a long-sleeved shirt, and wanting a blanket to keep me warm. I know it's fall, and fall is undoubtedly my favorite season, but come on, what is this nonsense. I can't handle this bi-polar mother nature shit right now, we need to get her on some medication or something. I have enough bi-polar acting people in my life to deal with nature being the same way. I love snuggling up under blankets and having it a little bit chilly, but this dramatic change is affecting my body and wearing it down. I feel like I'm getting sick and I don't have appropriate clothing to wear for this kind of weather. I guess on the plus side, I didn't have to spend a multitude of time outside do to rush, because I dropped it. And I guess that also means that I get to sleep well tonight under my comfy blankets. But right now, this cold weather is just making me a teensy bit angry, and mother nature better be happy she's not an actual person because else I would punch her in the ovaries.