What broke my day: movies with old people. In general, old people make me sad. It's not an insult in any way, but especially in movies and books, old people sadden me. The Notebook: cried. The Bucket List: Cried. Second Hand Lions: Cried. Water for Elephants(book and movie): Cried.Up: Cried- the entire movie. In fact this sadness was so bad that when I read the book Water for Elephants, I ran down sobbing, mascara running down my face, and informed my father that when he was old and in a nursing home I was taking him to the circus, and all his old people friends too. It's that bad. I can't help that old people make me sad because in books and movies they are portrayed as looking only at the past, remembering how good it was, and not being able to be happy in the present,This fact, makes me want to cry:literally. Reminiscing is fun, but sad. Especially widows/widowers. Like in Up, whenever the old man saw something that reminded him of his wife, or the fact that they couldn't have children, I made that dramatic clown-sob face and wailed. What made it worse was the fact that my father and sister were sitting next to me in the theater laughing at me for crying. I now HATE that movie. But as we are planning a girls night this thought came to my mind,and as we are sure to pick a chick flick, I need to make sure it involves no old people. Crying makes me sad(I thought I would point this out, in case you couldn't put two and two together.) Who wants to feel sad? I sure as hell don't, and that's why movies with old people break my day.
What made my day: Wearing high heels around the house, just 'cuz. Walking around the house in my fire-engine red (which matched my baboon ass) stripper heels, doing normal, everyday, stuff makes me happy. It sounds weird, but shoes make me feel pretty, and sexy, and cleaning and putting on makeup with them makes me feel like I'm June Cleaver, in the 21st century. I like feeling tall, and when I wear heels it makes my normal, fat legs, look longer and leaner, and sexier, thus giving me a confidence boost. I don't always wear heels in public, because I tend to be a jeans and t-shirt, or sundress and flats kind of girl. Wearing heels gives every woman the feeling of superiority. I would LOVE to see men try to do chores in 5-inch heels. If that happened, women would get WAY more done during the workday. We wouldn't have to worry about stumbling, tripping, and falling like men would inevitably do, making us superior, if only for the day. Wearing heels is a talent (I mean I can even run and skip in them!), and I feel good whenever I do something well, and walking in heels, if only around the house, makes me feel empowered. The clickity-clack of the heels on floor is musical and rhythmic, calming almost, allowing me to sit back and enjoy the day. Heels are all about being a woman, and feeling exactly like a woman is the epitome of sexual empowerment. They make a woman feel like a powerhouse of sexual electricity, being able to seduce the most hard-hearted of men. Being a seductress in heels is the best way to get (laid), I mean get a confidence boost. And feeling confident, gorgeous, and sexy, makes my day.
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