Sunday, June 26, 2011

Raccoons and Italians (go together like Peanut butter and Jelly?)

What Broke my day: When your 'child' doesn't eat like you want them too. Okay, not real children, I'm not really old enough or ready to have children, but I'm talking about something like a child. A raccoon, a 6-week old one to be exact. We are rehabilitating  two orphaned raccoons through our friend, Sally( a liscensed wildlife rehabilitator), who just had too many baby raccoons this year. So, we took in two of them, and holy crustaceans is it work. We have to feed them, clean them, teach them, and nurture them. I absolutely ADORE these babies, a boy and a girl, named Griffin and Pheonix respectively. Even though we can't handle them that much because they will eventually be released into the wild, but they are, in fact, like my children. We feed them four times a day, clean thier cage, and take them outside (almost daily) to explore and learn how to do basic skills such as climbing, exploring, and fishing(kinda). But today, they didn't want to eat. I usually get up to feed them around 9 or 10 in the morning, but I didn't wake up in time. I figured they would be starving by 12, when I started to make the bottles. No such luck.  Phoenix refused to drink out of the first bottle, so I had to keep trying different bottles and different amounts , and after 10 minutes of these futile events, I finally got her to eat...but not enough. Griffin was the same, so I had to entail the help of my mother. It frustrated me and made me worry about thier health. I want them to thrive and eat the amount necessary to give them the proper nutrition, like an overprotective mother. But of course nothing ever goes according to plan, it's Murphy's law. They ate better a little later, but definetely not as much as they usually do and I'm still worrying, which makes me scared that something is wrong. Goodness, being a mommy is hard. I'm going to wait for a while to have my own.
What made my day: Seeing people that you haven't in a long time. Yesterday night my best friend in the whole world (literally) flew in from Italy. I haven't seen her in about a year, and I missed her terribly, and today I got to see my favorite Italian ever! When she finally got on facebook and we started chatting to decide on a time to meet, I became giddy with excitement. I almost peed my pants in excited anticipation. She's like my other half and we complete each other. When I finally saw her standing on the doorstep of her host parent's house, I couldn't get out of the car fast enough. It was like the moment in romantic comedies when the two lover's see each other after they beleive they won't ever see each other again. Except we aren't lovers, and we both like men. But still it felt kind of like that. Our plans were to 'study' which definitely didn't happen, and spent the rest of the day talking about how we were going to spend the rest of her trip, and reminiscing on the past. We had fun, especially when we were playing with the raccoons, cuddling and watching them climb in the bushes, it was so amazing, and it was some of the most fun I've had in ages. This was so special because I almost never get to see her, because she lives in Italy, and it's expensive to buy tickets there. I plan on going to visit her over my Christmas break with some help from my parents, and I can't wait. When we are together we are attached at the hip. I swear I was born in the wrong country, I should be European, for sure. Our attitudes are the same about culture, joking, and a other shenanigans. This has turned into me rambling about how much I missed her, but seeing someone that you love after a long time is indescribable, really. When you see each other, and everything goes back to feeling like you haven't ever left each other, is magical, like a Disney real life. The laughing, smiling, joking, and gossip is awesome, and knowing that I can see her again tomorrow makes my day. :)

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