Let me explain my shoddiness in writing. I was going to write yesterday, but I was in such a terrible mood, that it wasn't even worth being a Debbie downer. I try to remember, but sometimes it's hard. Anyways, it turned out all right.
What Broke my day: How ridiculously cold it is right now. Two days ago it was so unbelievably hot, that at Purdue's first football game of the year (which we won! BOILER UP!) that people were being carried out on stretchers from the stands, and the estimated temperature on the field was 122 degrees Fahrenheit. Today, it's 59 degrees, windy, and chilly. WHAT THE HELL MOTHER NATURE? I do not have time for this bull shit right now. I'm went from being unbelievably hot in my non-air-conditioned dorm room two days ago, to wearing long pants and a long-sleeved shirt, and wanting a blanket to keep me warm. I know it's fall, and fall is undoubtedly my favorite season, but come on, what is this nonsense. I can't handle this bi-polar mother nature shit right now, we need to get her on some medication or something. I have enough bi-polar acting people in my life to deal with nature being the same way. I love snuggling up under blankets and having it a little bit chilly, but this dramatic change is affecting my body and wearing it down. I feel like I'm getting sick and I don't have appropriate clothing to wear for this kind of weather. I guess on the plus side, I didn't have to spend a multitude of time outside do to rush, because I dropped it. And I guess that also means that I get to sleep well tonight under my comfy blankets. But right now, this cold weather is just making me a teensy bit angry, and mother nature better be happy she's not an actual person because else I would punch her in the ovaries.
What made my day: Feeling pretty. Yesterday I was feeling unloved, unappreciated, and ugly. It was one of those funks that you just get into. All of my friends had already quit rushing a sorority, and I was the only one continuing it, and I just wanted to be accepted. Well, after talking to one amazing friend who calmed my doubts and made me smile I ended up having an amazing night, in which I felt pretty amazing. That's why when I dropped out of rush this morning, I wasn't heartbroken, because I don't need a sorority to feel loved and accepted. My friend Rutika took me to a party at her boyfriend's apartment, which was full of runners, bikers, and triathletes. Well, most of them were guys, and the guy to girl ration was so totally in my favor. I felt gorgeous by the end of the night because I spent the night making new friends and being fawned over by boys. I liked how cool the guys were, we just talked and hung out, and then danced like crazy people dougie-ing and bernie-ing, and night-at-the-Roxbury-ing, and of course, fist pumping. Two boys asked for my number (after dancing with me like you usually dance at a frat party), and one, while I didn't give him my number, heavily flirted with me for a good hour and a half. He even got jealous when I talked to other people at the party, which is why I ditched him for other people (that and I could tell he wanted to do things not appropriate to do with someone you just met). But I never have had that happen. I've never been classified as the 'pretty friend', or the 'cool chick', or the 'popular friend.' The fact that I finally got that from some people, made me realize that by just being myself and hanging out, people (and by that I mean boys) really do find me interesting and pretty. It was what I needed to get out of my funk, and give me the confidence boost I need. Now, If you want me, I'll be walking on cloud-9 for the next three weeks.
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